
consultation on change to faith designation

King's School, Hove is consulting on Changing to the School’s Faith Designation to Church of England.

King’s School opened in September 2013, as part of the Russell Education Trust, and from the school’s inception, it was intended that it would be a Church of England school. This was not practically possible to implement in 2013 without a delay to the school’s opening and so the school opened as an ecumenical Christian school that welcomes students from many Christian denominations within its faith admissions criteria, and all students, regardless of faith background, within its open admissions criteria. 

Since opening the school has maintained, faith-based admissions criteria that allow for 50% of places offered to be given on a faith basis (after those allocated for Special Education Needs, Looked After Children, siblings etc - full criteria are listed in the school's policy here).

To qualify for a faith place, families must be regular attenders at a Church which is a member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, or a member of the Evangelical Alliance for at least two years prior to application.

With the support of the Diocese of Chichester, it is proposed that the faith designation of King’s School is changed so that it becomes a designated Church of England School.

It is intended that the proposed change would:

  • Represent a continuation of the strong working relationships that already exist between the school and local Church of England communities;
  • Build upon the Church of England affiliation status King’s School has had for several years;
  • Develop the ties that the school already has to local Church of England churches and schools; and
  • Reflect the original intention of the parent group that proposed King’s School.

The change to religious designation that is proposed will have no effect on the school’s admissions policy or published admission numbers and the faith criterion will continue to specify attendance at a Church which is a member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, or a member of the Evangelical Alliance for at least two years prior to application.

The change of designation also has no effect on staff at the school, their employer will remain Russell Education Trust and their contracts, and terms and conditions of service will be unaffected.

We have tried to anticipate below some other questions that may arise from parents, students, staff and others and . We may update this during the consultation as and when other questions arise.


King’s School and the Russell Education Trust wishes to consult with all interested parties and stakeholders about the proposed change to the religious designation of King’s School. This consultation is being conducted in line with the relevant Department for Education guidance.

The consultation will run from Wednesday 1 March 2023 to Friday 31 March 2023.

All responses, comments or objections on any grounds related to this consultation should be sent to consultation@kingsschoolhove.org.uk for the attention of the Clerk to the Governing Body and will be considered by Russell Education Trust once the consultation period has ended.

For schools receiving this consultation, if appropriate and by whatever means you feel most suitable, please make the parents/carers of children in your school aware that this consultation is taking place.

Following a review of the consultation responses the Trust will consider the next steps, and these may include proceeding with a submission to the Department for Education seeking its approval for making the change in faith designation.

Questions you may have

Will this mean the school badge or uniform will change?

No, the school’s badge and uniform would not change as a result of the change in faith designation.

Will this mean the schools admissions criteria change?

No, we are not proposing amending the school’s admissions criteria that currently allow for 50% of places offered, after those allocated to certain protected groups, to be given on a faith basis. The school’s admissions criteria state that to qualify for a faith place, families must be regular attenders at a Church which is a member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, or a member of the Evangelical Alliance for at least two years prior to application.

What will this mean for my child’s teaching and learning?

Church of England designation will not lead to any changes in the school’s curriculum or approach to teaching and learning. However, the change does provide an exciting opportunity for King’s to work more closely with the Diocese’s education team, and local Church of England schools and churches.

Will Church of England designation change how the Diocese is involved in the operation of the school?

As an affiliated Church of England School, King's already works very closely with the Diocese of Chichester, as well as through its close working relationship with local churches and their communities. These strong working relationships have been in place since King’s opened. Church of England designation is a step that those who founded King’s School always wished to take but that was not practically possible when the school opened in September 2013.

What will be the impact on staff at the school?

The change of designation also has no effect on staff at the school, their employer will remain Russell Education Trust and their contracts, and terms and conditions of service will be unaffected.

Will there be any changes to the composition of the school’s governing body?

The school and diocese wish to ensure that the Diocese of Chichester has the necessary level of representation on the King’s Local Governing Body (LGB) to support Christian values being at the heart of the school. The school and Diocese have agreed that if the faith designation changes, then a third of the LGB will be nominated by the Diocese of Chichester nominated appointments and at least half of the LGB members would be communicant members of the Church of England. The change will not however lead to any immediate changes to the LGB since over half of the LGB members are already communicant members of the Church of England and there are a number of governors, including members of the local clergy, who can serve as nominees of the Diocese of Chichester.

What will this mean for how the school works with local churches and CofE schools?

King’s School already has strong links with local churches, and Church of England primary schools. Church of England faith designation for King’s would serve to strengthen those ties and allow the school build upon its existing affiliated Church of England status through ever closer working with the Diocese and its education team.

Will the change lead to any changes to the school’s leadership team?

No, the change would have no impact upon the composition of the school’s leadership team.

Will this lead to any changes to the schools’ pastoral support?

The school prides itself on the strength of the pastoral support offered to its students, with that support underpinned by the school’s Christian values. Church of England designation would serve to foster closer working with the Diocese, and in particular reinforce the school’s pastoral support through greater collaboration with local church communities.

What happens after the consultation period ends and when will the change be implemented if approved?

Immediately after the consultation period has closed, the school will reflect upon the consultation responses before determining how these should be reflected in a proposal to the Department for Education (DfE) for approval of the change in faith designation. It is for the DfE to determine if it approves any proposed change in faith designation for schools.