Curriculum Overview


Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Sixth Form

Term 1: Still Life 1

Students will start Year 7 with a baseline assessment to assess their starting point in art and design. They will then develop their drawing and painting skills and will also develop their knowledge and understanding of shape, composition and colour theory. They will also look at the work of French artist - Paul Cezanne.

Students will produce an A4 water colour transcription of one of Cezanne's pieces of work which will be summatively assessed .

3D shape e.g. sphere, cube.

A plan of your work.

2D outlines e.g. square, circle.

The position in which something is placed or viewed.

The position or placement of elements within a piece of artwork.

The size of lines and shapes in relation to other lines and shapes.

Vivid colour
Bright bold colours.

Accurate shape
observing lines within an image to create the correct proportions and composition.

The light and dark areas of an image.

Drawing technique to add tone to an image.

Mark making
A variety of ways to create lines, marks on a page using different materials.

Lines used to create shading.

Light/mid/dark tones
The different shades seen in a tonal image created by the direction of light.

(of a sound or voice) quiet and soft.

(of a person, action, or idea) showing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous.

a minute variation in shade, tone, or colour.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Develop confidence from seeing their work improve quickly.

Create a supportive community:
Students work collaboratively on their tables to arrange a composition for their Still Life

Term 2: Still Life 2

Students will continue their work on still life from the first half term. Students will also learn how to analyse artist's work by studying the work of Giorgio Morandi. They will develop their knowledge and understanding of composition by experimenting with a range of compositions and selecting the most successful one for their still life painting.

Ongoing self and formative assessment

2D outlines e.g. circle, square

A repetitive design.

Vivid colours that stand out and attract the viewer.

Lines and shapes that stand out.

The size and scale of shapes in relation to other shapes.

The position or placement of elements within a piece of artwork.

Mark making
A variety of ways to create lines, marks on a page using different materials.

Vivid colour
Bright bold colours.

The light and dark areas of an image.

Drawing technique to add tone to an image.

Cross hatching
A shading technique used to build tone by shading in one direction and then a different direction.

Mark making
A variety of ways to create lines, marks on a page using different materials.

Lines used to create shading.

Light/mid/dark tones
The different shades seen in a tonal image created by the direction of light.

(of a person, action, or idea) showing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous.

(of a sound or voice) quiet and soft.

the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis; correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing.

lack of equality or equivalence between parts or aspects of something; lack of symmetry.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Students will learn about new artists and broaden their general knowledge. Students will work collaboratively to create and select the best composition.

Create a supportive community:

Term 5: Grotesque Gargoyles 1

Students will study and analyse the elements of art during this unit to develop their knowledge and understanding of art and have ability and vocabulary to analyse and evaluate their own work, and the work of others.

They will learn about the function of gargoyles and collect research to inspire their own Gargoyle designs. They will then develop their creativity by producing designs and use self evaluation to select the most successful design to progress to a final piece. They will then plan how they will make their final design using clay.

On going formative assessment

Plan of your work.

Figure Drawing
Drawings of people.

Street Art
Art work created illegally on people's property.

An image that has minimal detail.

A figure that is neither male or female.

Artwork that is made specially for a certain area/space

3D shape e.g. sphere, cube.

Character Features
Details which add interest, emotion or character to your design.

Object/sculpture made from clay.

Technique of creating small grooves in the clay.

A mixture of water and clay, acts as a glue for attaching clay.

Score and slip
A clay technique used to attach one piece of clay to another.

Pinch pot
A small clay bowl creating by pinching the clay- used to hold slip (a mixture of clay and water).

2D outlines e.g. circle, square

A 3D piece of art work.

A plan of your work.

Accurate shape
observing lines within an image to create the correct proportions and composition.

Object/sculpture made from clay.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:
They are encouraged to learn from each other in their development of their clay skills and understanding of the elements of art.

Term 4: Still Life 4

Students will complete their A3 still life painting using all of the skills that they have learnt so far in a final outcome.

Formatives and summative assessment of final painting

2D outlines e.g. square, circle.

3D shape e.g. sphere, cube.

A repetitive design.

The size and scale of shapes in relation to other shapes.

Mark making
A variety of ways to create lines, marks on a page using different materials.

Vivid colour
Bright bold colours.

Accurate shape
observing lines within an image to create the correct proportions and composition.

The light and dark areas of an image.

Drawing technique to add tone to an image.

Light/mid/dark tones
The different shades seen in a tonal image created by the direction of light.

The position and placement of lines and shapes within an image.

Cross hatching
A shading technique used to build tone by shading in one direction and then a different direction.

Lines used to create shading.

(of a sound or voice) quiet and soft.

a minute variation in shade, tone, or colour.

lack of equality or equivalence between parts or aspects of something; lack of symmetry.

the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis; correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing.

go or move back or further away from a previous position.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 3: Still Life 3

Inspired by the work of Paul Cezanne, students will develop their paintings from the previous term and start to incorporate more tonal and blending qualities into their work to represent different materials. Practice compositions and tonal blending will ensure they are thinking about composition and form in a thoughtful way before embarking on their final outcome.

On going formative assessment

The size and scale of shapes in relation to other shapes.

The position or placement of elements within a piece of artwork.

2D outlines e.g. square, circle.

3D shape e.g. sphere, cube.

3D shape e.g. sphere, cube

Vivid colours that stand out and attract the viewer.

The position in which something is placed or viewed.

The light and dark areas of an image.

Drawing technique to add tone to an image.

(of a sound or voice) quiet and soft.

(of a colour) intensely deep or bright.

(of a colour or object) not reflecting much light; approaching black in shade.

a minute variation in shade, tone, or colour.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 6: Grotesque Gargoyles 2

Student will learn clay skills and use these to produce their own gargoyle design.

On going formative assessment and summative assessment.

Shadow Puppet
Made from paper or card to cast a shadow of a figure or detail in a story.

A story which portrays a moral.

Collaborative art
Artwork which is made by teamwork and groups of people rather than an individual.

An outline of an object or figure.

Written text of a play or show for participants to follow.

Being precise with shapes and details within your artwork.

Craft Knife
A tool used to cut intricate details from paper or card.

The environment in which a show or play occurs.

Performance Skills
Skills needed to successfully present a show or play to an audience.

Shadow Lighting Skills
Skills needed to achieve the correct amount of lighting for shows.

2D outlines e.g. square, circle.

3D shape e.g. sphere, cube.

A repetitive design.

A plan of your work.

Character Features
Details which add interest, emotion or character to your design.

Object/sculpture made from clay.

Technique of creating small grooves in the clay.

A mixture of water and clay, acts as a glue for attaching clay.

Score and slip
A clay technique used to attach one piece of clay to another.

Pinch pot
A small clay bowl creating by pinching the clay- used to hold slip (a mixture of clay and water).

2D outlines e.g. circle, square

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
The students will work collaboratively with tools.

Create a supportive community: